Business Building Essentials
The Quick Quote process is for any size case for clients with more than one health condition. Contact the case design team with the list of medications, details of medical conditions, and date of diagnosis, as well as client information.
We’ll consult with several companies for their “underwriting opinion” to get the best possible offer. This expedited process allows us to have tentative offers back within 24 to 48 hours, resulting in an illustration representing the best offer provided to you.
More than 70% of our quick quote
offers are approved as applied for.
There are times when a client comes to you with several medical impairments and they are looking to purchase life insurance. You may not be sure if their conditions are even insurable and many times your clients may not provide you with all the health details needed to get an accurate quote. You may run an illustration for standard rates and then have the client formally apply in the hopes that not only are they issued a policy, but that it is issued as applied for.
The Trial Application Program is for your larger premium cases that not only need special attention, but need the best possible offer in the market. To start the Trial Application process, you complete the Preliminary Inquiry and authorizations and send them to us. We’ll order the client’s medical records and send them out to 10 to 15 different company underwriters on an informal basis for a tentative offer on the case.
Once all the offers are in, we send them to you with illustrations to present to your client. Your client can apply for the tentative offer that best suits their needs.
More than 96% of our trial offers
are approved as applied for.